Channel: Hood County News Classifieds: Public Notices
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To: The Unknown Stockholders, Successors and Assigns of Lanny Aiken Insurance Agency, Inc.; The Unknown Members, Successors, and Assigns of Aiken Insurance Agency, LLC; and the Unknown Partners, Successors, and Assigns of Aiken Insurance Services LP INTERBANK Vs. JAMES PRATZ, as Dependent Administrator of the Estate of LaVera Lowry Aiken Dooley; TOM G. DOOLEY; MELINDA HICKEY; HICKEY INSURANCE OF AGENCY LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY; THE UNKNOWN STOCKHOLDERS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS OF LANNY AIKEN INSURANCE AGENCY, INC.; THE UNKNOWN MEMBERS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS OF AIKEN INSURANCE AGENCY L.L.C.; and THE UNKNOWN PARTNERS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS OF AIKEN INSURANCE SERVICES L.P., INTERBANK in the above numbered and entitled estate filed a Petition in Interpleader. Said application will be heard and acted on the County Court at Law, 1200 W Pearl Street, Granbury, Texas 76048 at or before 10 o'clock a.m. of the Monday next after the expiration of twenty days after the date of service of this citation before the Honorable County Court at Law, Hood County, Texas. All persons interested in said estate are hereby cited to appear before said Honorable Court at the above mentioned time and place by filing a written answer contesting such petition should they desire to do so. Given under my hand and seal of said court at office in Granbury, Texas this 08th day of May, 2019. KATIE LANG Hood County Clerk P.O. Box 339 Hood County, Texas 76048 By /s/ DEAN ARMSTRONG, Deputy

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