Region 7 ESC is soliciting bids on behalf of 146 education entities & two education service centers in the Region 7
Purchasing Cooperative.
Bids are solicited for the following:
Paint & Painting Supplies/ October
3, 2017/ 1:30 PM
Copy Machines/ October 3, 2017/
1:30 PM
Vehicles: All Types; New/ Pre-owned; Buy/ Lease/ October 3, 2017/ 1:30 PM
Grounds/ Athletic Fields Maintenance, Equip. & Supplies/ October 5, 2017/
1:30 PM
Special Education & Supplies/ October
5, 2017/ 1:30 PM
Substance & Alcohol Abuse Testing/
October 5, 2017/ 1:30 PM
Computer Software & Supplies/ November 14, 2017/ 1:30 PM
Physical Education/Recreational Sports, Equipment/Supplies/ November
14, 2017/ 1:30 PM
Science Supplies/ November 14, 2017/ 1:30 PM
Transportation Maintenance & Supplies/ November16, 2017/ 1:30 PM
Instructional Catalog/ November 16, 2017/ 1:30 PM
Bid specifications may be accessed at:, (903) 988-6859 or Bids will be opened at the ESC on each opening date and time. Region 7 reserves the right to make final decisions as to the best
interest of the Cooperative.