The City of Granbury is accepting sealed competitive unit bids for the following:
Roof Replacement on Granbury Square Plaza RFP No. 23-24-15 until Thursday October 17, 2024, at 2:00pm CST, at which time they will be opened publicly at 401 N Park St. Granbury, TX 76048. Bids should be mailed, or hand delivered in a sealed envelope addressed to:
City of Granbury Municipal Service Center
Attn: Purchasing Department
"Roof Replacement on Granbury Square Plaza RFP No. 23-24-15"
401 N. Park Street
Granbury, TX 76048
Bid packet and documents will be available on the City of Granbury website starting Monday, September 30,2024 at 2pm. Specific information regarding this bid shall be requested from Purchasing Manager at Any Bids received after the closing date and hour will not be accepted and will not be returned. The City reserves the right to reject any and/or bids and to waive any formality in connection therewith.