Sealed bids addressed to "LGI Homes - Texas, LLC for Cresson MUD No. 1 of Hood County" will be received physically at the office of the Engineer, Pape-Dawson Engineers, 6105 Tennyson Parkway, Suite 210, Plano, Texas 75024, Phone 214.420.8494 OR via CivCast until 2:00 p.m. local time, Thursday, May 9, 2024, and then publicly opened and read at the office of the Engineer, and via Microsoft Teams (Meeting ID 235 189 713 170, Passcode ovkwRn) for the construction of the following project:
"Construction of Water Production Facility for Cresson MUD No. 1"
Project No. 70193-02
Scope of Work of the Contract includes:
The Cresson MUD No. 1 Water Production Facility will provide potable water service to a new multi-use development in Hood County. The facility will include construction of:
- 300,000-gallon welded steel ground storage tank with an altitude valve, with water level sensors, level controls and monitors
o Alternatively, a 300,000-gallon bolted steel ground storage tank
o Alternatively, a 600,000-gallon prestressed concrete ground storage tank
- High service pump station with a capacity of 2,280 gallons per min (3.2 MGD) with variable frequency controls
- 12,000-gallon hydropneumatic tank with air compressor, controls, SCADA connection
- On-site disinfection system utilizing a 12.5% hypochlorite solution injection system, with controls and SCADA connection
- Electrical system including controls, lighting, security support, with control valves, electronic meters, surge protection
- Emergency generator with automatic controls
- SCADA system for operator use and system management
- Security, lighting systems providing notifications to facility operators
- Site work with paving, grading plans, and utility service for the facility
A non-mandatory, but highly encouraged, pre-bid conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. local time on Thursday, April 18, 2024, physically at the office of the Engineer, Pape-Dawson Engineers, 6105 Tennyson Parkway, Suite 210, Plano, Texas 75024, as well as via telephone (210.926.0892, Conference ID 589 221 499#) and Microsoft Teams (Meeting ID 234 062 243 587, Passcode bynCiV). Please contact Ted Nelson via email at for further information.
Instructions to Bidders and other bid documents will be available for review at the office of the Engineer and will be provided electronically, via CivCast, to prospective bidders.
The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities or minor defects. In case of the lack of clarity or ambiguity in prices, the Owner reserves the right to accept the most advantageous or reject the bid. All bids received after the closing time designated above will be returned unopened.
The requirements of Subchapter J, Chapter 552, Government Code, may apply to this Bid and/or Contract and the Contractor agrees that the Contract can be terminated if the Contractor knowingly or intentionally fails to comply with a requirement of that subchapter.