Notice is hereby given that on November 17, 2023, letters testamentary were issued to Kimberly Sims by the County Court of Hood County, Texas, in the case styled In the Estate of Barbara Sims a/k/a Barbara Ann Sims under Cause No. P10196, pending on the Probate Docket of the Court.
All persons having claims against the above-styled Estate are hereby requested to present them within the time prescribed by law in care of the attorney for the estate, addressed as follows:
Kimberly Sims, Independent Executor, Estate of Barbara Ann Sims a/k/a Barbara Ann Sims
c/o Kenneth A. Richey, Jr.
12112 Anderson Mill Road, Bldg. 12D
Austin, Texas 78726
DATED November 22, 2023
By: /s/ Kenneth A. Richey, Jr.
Attorney for Independent Executor