The following items will be considered at a Public Hearing conducted by the ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT of the City of Granbury on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 5:30 p.m., at Granbury City Hall, 116 West Bridge Street, Granbury, Texas.
1. ZBA-2016-16, Request of Steve Crawford for a variance to Section 5.11.F.1, "Structure Separation" to reduce the minimum separation between two buildings from 20' to 14'. The property is addressed as 1621 S. Meadows Dr.
2. ZBA-2016-17, Request of Weston Residential, LLC for a variance to Section 5.7.C, "Height, Area, Yard, and Lot Coverage Requirements" to allow an encroachment of 4.5' into a 25' rear yard setback within a PD/R-7 zoning district. The property is addressed as 308 Donna Circle.
3. ZBA-2016-17, Request of Jennifer Miller for a variance to Section 11.10.B, "Accessory Structures in Residential Districts" to 1) exceed the maximum floor area of 420 square feet, and 2) exceed the maximum height of 15'. The property is addressed as 433 E. Bridge St.
A. § 551.071. Consultation with Attorney. The Zoning Board of Adjustment may convene in executive session to conduct a private consultation with its attorney on any legally posted agenda item, when the Zoning Board of Adjustment seeks the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation, a settlement offer, or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the provisions of Chapter 551.
For more information, contact the Community Development Department at (817) 573-9692, Granbury City Hall, 116 West Bridge Street.