The following Public Hearings will be considered by the PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION of the City of Granbury on Monday, March 14, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. The Public Hearings will also be considered by the GRANBURY CITY COUNCIL on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. All Public Hearings will be held within the Council Chambers of Granbury City Hall, 116 W. Bridge Street, Granbury, Texas.
1. Z-2021-15, Request of Snikwah, LP to rezone a 26.82-acre tract of the John Chenowith Survey, Abstract #108 from Interim Holding [IH] District to Single Family Residential District 7,000 [R-7]. The property is located west of Weatherford Hwy., north of Hunter Park.
2. Z-2022-02, Request of People Helping People to rezone Lot 15 of the Kings Plaza Addition from Interim Holding [IH] to Heavy Commercial [HC]. The property is addressed as 301 Kings Plaza.
3. SUP-2022-03, Request of Lisa Pruitt for a Specific Use Permit to operate a Massage Establishment in the Central Business District [CBD]. The property is located at 126 N. Crockett. St.
For more information, contact Community Development at 817-573-1114, Granbury City Hall, 116 West Bridge St., Granbury, TX 76048.