Ramel Company, LLC (Ramel) has been employed to serve as the Granbury Housing Authority's (GHA) Project and Construction Manager for the renovations of 34 existing duplex units.
Ramel along with the GHA are seeking a qualified design architect or architect firm to provide floor plan(s), elevation(s), and specifications for the purpose of applying for a building permit from the City of Granbury, Texas and bidding the project out to general contractors. Ramel/GHA would also like to explore the opportunity of utilizing the created floor plans and/or elevations for marketing purposes.
Request for Qualifications (RFQs) may be obtained from and questions should be directed to Ramon Guajardo, Jr., ramonjr@ramelcompany.com.
Responding design architect or architect firms are to submit one (1) electronic copy of your firm's response to this RFQ to Ramon Guajardo, Jr., Vice President, Ramel Company, LLC, ramonjr@ramelcompany.com or 2205 W. Broadway Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. Deadline for responses to this RFQ are due to the noted email or address no later than 3:00 PM on October 9, 2020.