CSP for Granbury ISD
Construction Projects
(Baccus ES Gym, Brawner ES Classrooms, Mambrino ES Library Renovation CSP #1829-01-01 (-01-02, -01-03)
Competitive Sealed Proposals
Due: Tuesday March 10, 2020 @ 2:00 P.M.
The District via a two-step process, shall receive, publicly open and read aloud at the specified date and time listed above the name of the respondents and process if any in a Conference Room at the Granbury ISD Administration Building, 217 North Jones Street, Granbury, Texas 76048.
Proposal documents can be reviewed, received and submitted through the Granbury ISD ebid System located at: granbury.ionwave.net
Proposal forms will be released starting Wednesday February 16, 2020. Questions will be accepted until March 4, 2020 at 2:00 P.M. CST. Information on the ebid System is available on our website at www.granburyisd.org (Departments, Purchasing) or call Darla Powell at 817-408-4024.
Granbury ISD reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive irregularities or informalities as may be deemed in the District's best interest.
Questions: Contact Huckabee Architects for files, Plans and Specs.
Other questions contact Cameron Mason: cmason@huckabee-inc.com