Channel: Hood County News Classifieds: Public Notices
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By VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE issued out of the 355th District Court, Hood County, Texas on a judgment rendered in said county on the 24th day of May, 2019 Cause No:C2018325 Comanche Harbor/Ports O'Call OA vs. Carie McCollom I did on the 24th day of July, 2019, at 9:47 a.m. levy upon the following property of: Carie McCollom LOT 24, BLOCK 7,SECTION E OF COMANCHE HARBOR SUBDIVISION IN HOOD COUNTY,TEXAS ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 2, PAGE 44 AND IN SLIDE A-137, PLAT RECORDS, HOOD COUNTY, TEXAS. ALSO KNOWN AS: 1008 INDIAN DRIVE, GRANBURY,TEXAS 76048 On the 1st day of October, 2019, between the hours of ten o'clock A.M. and four o'clock P.M., more specifically at 1:30 P.M. in the Court Room on the 2nd Floor of the Hood County Court House at 100 E. Pearl Street, Granbury, Hood County, Texas I will offer for sale and sell at public auction, for cash to the highest bidder, all the rights, title and interest of the property of the said Carie McCollom. Dated at Granbury, Texas this 24th day of July A.D., 2019 Delton Thrasher Hood County Constable Precinct 1

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