All interested persons are invited to review and request further environmental processing of an FCC application for Star Towers, LLC proposing the following telecommunications antenna structure at 9201 Plantation Drive, Granbury, Hood County, Texas. FCC filing number A1106129 proposes a 185-ft monopole communications tower with no FAA lighting. This application may be reviewed by entering the above file number at this website: Interested persons may raise environmental concerns by filing a "Request for Environmental Review" with the FCC within 30 days of this posting. Instructions for filing requests are contained on the following website: The FCC strongly encourages requests to be filed online; however, written requests may also be sent by mail to the following address: FCC Requests for Environmental Review, Attn: Ramon Williams, 445 12th Street SW, Washington, DC 20554.
Notice of Initiation of the Section 106 Process-Public Participation in accordance with the FCC's Nationwide Programmatic Agreement. Parties interested in providing comment on the proposed undertaking, as described above, relative to potential effects on cultural or historic properties should contact GSS, Inc., 1904 Industrial Blvd Colleyville, TX 76034. Ph. 682-651-0034 (GSS D18115)